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존번연의 천로역정을 읽고, 기독역사속의 인물, 영문독후감




America’s spiritual stream flows from Puritanism. If someone wants to find the inspiration of a Puritan, he/she should remember the English Civil War; also called the Puritan Revolution. Here is a Puritan man who has become a Puritan preacher, a Puritan theologian, and a Puritan character, John Bunyan. His belief and practice toward the life of Christ was always conscious. A life of contentment, one learns from reading his book, is that they recognize a close relationship with the many characters they know.

<중 략>

John Bunyan loved the Bible. Through John Bunyan’s spiritual journey and life, we can discern that his sense of Christianity came from the Word of God, which is sufficient for every conflict and despair of the soul. Whenever he felt fear from the power of evil, the promise of the Word of God drove him “back to the Scripture for his assurance”. His sense of the Christian journey totally relied upon the Word of God. From his sense of the Christian life, we can learn that even though he was not an educated person, and even prone to dream, John Bunyan did not depend upon his own experience for settling the conflicts of the soul or for finding a way through life.

참고 자료

Stephen Nichols, Pages from Church History (Phillipsburg, NJ: Puritan & Reformed, 2006, vol. 2.)
The Ven. A.R.Buckland, John Bunyan, The Man and His Work (The Religious Tract Society, 1928)
Austen Kennedy de Blois, John Bunyan the man (The Judson Press, 1928)
Kelly M. Kapic and Randall C. Gleason, edited, The Devoted Life (Inter Varsity Press, 2004)
John Bunyan, The Works of John Bunyan (Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1999, reprinted from
1854 edition)
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