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안락사의 경제적 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


안락사의 정의와 국내 및 해외사례, 법률적인 문제는 없는지 여러 기관과 의협의 견해를 알아보고, 경제학적으로 당위성이 있는지에 대해 분석한 자료입니다. 고려대학교에서 A+받은 자료입니다.


1.1The reason why we select this topic
1.2Method of study
1.3Purpose of study

2.Literature review
2.1A study on the subjectivity about euthanasia
2.2Attitude of doctor and nurse to euthanasia

3.Definition of euthanasia

4.Case introduction
4.1Internal Case
4.2Foreign Case
4.3Dignitas hospitals

5.Institutional analysis

6.Economic explain
6.1Economic imply for Euthanasia
6.2Patient`s side
6.3Doctor aspect
6.4사회 전체적 측면

7.Conclusion and suggestion



1) The reason why we select this topic

There was a hot issue which is related to Mrs. Kim`s euthanasia in korea 2009. It has been a hot topic not only in Korea but also in all over the world since long times ago. Yet there is only one case in korea about euthanasia but there are many cases in abroad focused on developed countries. Especially Dignitas, regarded as resort of death, operated several euthanasia in switzerland.

Why euthanasia makes some issues? Let`s look around follow contents.
1) The right to death
: Hospital and government wouldn`t permit euthanasia if patient want to die.
2) Approach to the patients who take sustaining medical treatment
: Criticism to the medical treatment if it has effectiveness.
: The fundamental criticism to the value of people.

Let`s watch the example of rejection euthanasia to french women.
Chantal Sebire(52) who lives in small town of Dijon in France Bregogne get a huge pain due to a malignant tumor caused by puffing up around nose and twisting her face. She has three children and she is a former teacher. Due to her orphan cancer, esthesioneuroblastoma, she became blind and facial deformation which is incurable disease. There was not life-threatening but huge pain made her the first person who bring the permission of personal euthanasia into court in france. She didn`t depend on medical devices but request right to death in protecting of self-existence based on the law `La loi Leonetti`. So in france society, euthanasia become hot issue.
The legal requirements devide public opinion into two parts ; permission of voluntary euthanasia and supporting to involuntary euthanasia. What the former part criticize is the artificial supports to people who is in states of coma and they think patients` dignity is the most valuable thing. In contrast the latter part focus on legal impossibility in application to each patient.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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