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영어 회화 Free talking

what`s your favorite book or movie and why?
- My favorite movie is "if only" because this movie`s leading actor is 제니퍼 러브휴잇. she is both skillful and beautiful so I try to watch her movie.
the movie`s genre is drama. have you ever seen the movie?
I recommend this movie. if you see the movie, I recommend other her movie.

who was your favorite teacher in high school? why?
My favorite teacher in high school is ethics(에틱스) teacher. I studied hard ethics because of him. also he is form teacher. he is both attentive and humorous. this is the reason why I like him. Teacher`s Day is coming up. so I will visit him with my high friends.

can you tell me about your favorite childhood memory?
well, my favorite childhood memory is in middle school. when I was middle school, I belong to broadcasting club. I take charge of broadcasting equipment. our club member is only 12 so we all get together. we still meet together.

what are some positive and negative of smart phone.

I think smart phone have many advantage more than disadvantage.
in my opinion, as positive aspect, smart phone is very convenient because I search for information I want any time. on the other hand ,as negative aspect, I think smart phone`s fee is very expensive than ever.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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