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Compare and Contrast Essay

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Different church




The first time when I came to the U.S.A, I had a chance to attend English Worship in my church and I was shocked. I have been serving in traditional Korean church which the format of the service is very formal; however, the English ministry worship service is rather casual. For example, the Korean traditional church members wear formal clothes; on the other hand, the English ministry people tend to wear casual style clothes. Even the church leaders wear casual style clothes and wear the flip-flop when they are preached a sermon. This essay seeks to explore a few of comparison of the different leader’s role in Church between the U.S. and Korea, such as clothing, relation with church member, and perspective toward the responsibility of pastoral job.

<중 략>

the pastor should set an example for others in morality. So, sometimes they are sacred by church members. In the U.S.A. the pastor commonly get another job, conversely, depending on their need get another job. They serve the church on Sunday, whereas in the week day they are worked in common society. In America, the barrier which separates world and Christian society is collapsed. When the church leaders need get another job or own their business, they admit and are common. Besides, the pastor mainly thought that church leaders are not a job; they are volunteers for God and church members.

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