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[영문] 스티브잡스의 스탠포드축사에 관한 커뮤니케이션적인 접근 Why Steve Jobs’ speech at Stanford is an eloquent speech?

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


교환학생시절 Introduction of Human Communication 과목을 수강하면서, 스티브잡스의 2005년 스탠포드 축사를 보고 Application Paper를 쓸기회가있었습니다. 당시 작성한 리포트 입니다.
참고로 20점만점에 20점만점을 받았고, 그수업에서 A+를 받았습니다.


“Connecting the Dots”

Why Steve Jobs’ speech at Stanford is an eloquent speech?
1. It is a honest personal story.
2. There is humor and irony in life. (CAPTUE YOUR AUDIENCE’S ATTENTION WITH MAKE THEM LAUGH)
3. His speech has consistent structure from cradle to deathbed.(NARRATIVE PATTERN)
5. He uses a catchy phrase repeatedly. (REPETITION)
6. He uses a contrast.
7. He uses metaphoric expression (METAPHORS)
8. He has charisma. (MAKE AN IMPACT)
9. He uses short sentences effectively. (SIMPLE SENTENCE)
10. He breathes with an audience.
11. He makes an audience imagine.
12. Regarding the three means of persuasion


In the spring 2005, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, delivered a commencement speech to the graduating class of Stanford University. The speech connected with the audience, as well as the broader pubic due to the advice and perspective given by Jobs from his personal and professional life. The speech had three main topics: death, love and trust. With the three topics, in the speech, Steve Jobs aims to inspire the young graduates to remain curios and eager for the future, and to follow their convictions and dreams. Although he never graduated from college himself, Jobs states that everyone can reach there goals if they work hard and stay committed to what they believe in.

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[영문] 스티브잡스의 스탠포드축사에 관한 커뮤니케이션적인 접근 Why Steve Jobs’ speech at Stanford is an eloquent speech?
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