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전기전자기초실험 Chapter 9 Arithmetic Circuit DesignPre-report

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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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2011년 2학기 전기전자기초실험 보고서입니다. 전부 다 영어로 작성되어 있으며, 예비보고서의 경우 주석 충분히 달려 있습니다. 베끼지 않고 작성하여, 이 자료를 쓰셔도 Cheating의 염려가 없습니다. 코딩은 직접 하였으며, 전부 주석이 달려 있습니다.




·Arithmetic Circuit Design
① Survey the other types of number system.
(exp : sign and magnitude, one’s complement)
-Sign and magnitude:
This method is the most intuitive way to represent the numbers. Using first bit of the data as the sign bit to 0(positive number) or 1(negative number). Then, remaining bits are used to represent the magnitude of the number. If you use one byte as the basic unit to represent number, one bit determines the sign, and 7 bits determine the magnitude. Using this method, number 0 has two representations. With magnitude value zero, both of plus sign and minus sign represent the number zero.

-One`s complement
The form of representing the number with one`s complement method is quite different from the previous method, sign and magnitude. Positive number is represented same with sign and magnitude method, which means first bit of the basic unit data should be 0.(So, if the first bit is 0 in one`s complement method,

참고 자료

Signed number representations[Online]. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signed_number_representations
Charles H. Roth, Jr. (2006). Number Systems and Conversion, Unit 1, page 19-20
Charles H. Roth, Jr. (2006). Number Systems and Conversion, Unit 1, page 17
Charles H. Roth, Jr. (2006). Number Systems and Conversion, Unit 1, page 18
74181[Online]. Available: http://www.ic-on-line.cn/view_online.php?id=1655062&file=032974181_1987128.pdf


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전기전자기초실험 Chapter 9  Arithmetic Circuit DesignPre-report
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