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cause and effect essay

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최종 저작일
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cause & effect essay.

오랜 시간 3번의 draft를 써서 완성한 essay입니다.

이 부류의 에세이를 보시고 싶으신 분들께 추천합니다.


1. 현재 우리나라 학생들이 생각하는 university

2. 왜 대학을 가야 하는가? 첫번째 이유

3. 두번째 이유

4. 종합적인 결과


These days, most students in Korea want to enter a university. twenty years ago, only some students wanted to go to a university and all students chose whether they entered a university or not. However, now we do not have the right to choose because if Korea students do not enter the university, they will not find good jobs with a high salary. Besides many Koreans ignore people who don’t graduate from a university. As a result, most Korean students want to receive a degree. So Korea has many articles describing how many students want to qualify for university. According to an article in “Responsibility of the University”, “Over 80 percent of students want to go to a university.”¹ What has created this situation?
The first cause is the environment of society. I grew up hearing that we had to go to a university from teachers. Also our parents want us to want to go to a university

참고 자료

¹Young hwan, Noe. “ Responsibility of a university.” Maeill newspaper
2011. Maeill Newspaper. Inc. 14. Nov. 2011: 1.

² Bob, Newburger E , and Day J, Will . “why go to colleage.” University of North Texas
2010. University of North Texas, Inc. 23. Mar. 2010 : 1.
<http://www. unt.edu/pais/howtochoose/ why.htm>
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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