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T. Hobbes and J. Locke : 홉스와 로크

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 19,900원 할인쿠폰받기


With evaluating two English liberalist philosophers (T. Hobbes and J. Locke)` ideas of `the state of nature` and `the characters of human being`, examine different characteristics of each philosopher`s conception of `society` and `politics` derived from their two basic ideas

홉스와 로크의 관점에서 인간의 본성이란 무엇인지, 그리고 자연상태란 어떤 것인지 유사점과 차의점을 비교한 레포트 입니다. 홉스와 로크의 관점을 서포트 하기 위해 루소와 스피노자를 곁들였습니다.


1. 역사적 배경
2. 토마스 홉스
3. 존 로크
4. 장자크 루소와 스피노자
5. 분석
6. 참조, 인용


1. Historical Background
The time when Hobbes and Locke lived in, there were several war called "30th year war". before that time, every state had to obey to the holly roman emperor`s order and this order was supposed by divine power which was given from christian church. Until the late 16th century, world view in Europe were very christian. So social states of hierarchy system were defend by christian authority. In this time, Every one thought that what they did is natural job which is given by God so it is not able to be changed. They could not image any change of this system.
After religious revolution, however, this kind of concept was break down. Before religious revolution, Individuals could be saved by God and go to heaven after death only through the christian father. But after revolution, people could go heaven their own self. They could pray to God directly and got quit of their guilt. This change caused people to change their social position because they could be saved by god own their selves without help of christian father. They were able to hear and experience `God` directly.
So, monarchy had to find other logic to maintain their authority. If they could not find this logic, they could have been challenged by other group like bourgeois. In other word, they needed to find some logic to legitimate particular "state" authority.

참고 자료

·Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Leviathan.
·Harvey C. Mansfield, A student guide to Political Philosophy, Intercollegiate studies institute
·"1000 Makers of the Millennium", page 42. Dorling Kindersley, 1999
·E. J. 홉스봄 “혁명의 시대”박현채 역(August, 1984)

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