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Getting past no 독후감 - 영문 (경영협상론)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


business negotiation





Despite all the instances I listed above which generated a harmonious conclusion, in reality, it is totally different story. Yonsei University could be a representative of example who is facing a severe strike among janitorial workers. <Breakthrough Strategy> was the most interesting part to read. However, what if the other side refuses to take the golden bridge to an agreement? What if the other side sees the negotiation as a win-lose proposition? The book says to ask them reality-testing questions about what will happen if no agreement is reached, or alert them without threatening my BATNA. Frankly speaking, there is some situation that end in deadlock no matter how hard you negotiate or even compromise. Breaking the stalemate is what the negotiator should be able to do. I assume that learning from the book does not guarantee person any victory in negotiation.

Easier said than done. A negotiator shall improve and develop his own skill through tons of experience and the book just plays role as an textbook to refer. This is reason why I didn`t focus on summarizing the book`s content for this essay. Rather, I put an emphasis on learning by heart and thereby I wrote this essay more related to my personal experiences and acknowledgement. I am looking forward to learning more through class with sophisticated case and tricky situation.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Getting past no 독후감 - 영문 (경영협상론)
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