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Liquid sintering

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Liquid sintering 관련이론 영어보고서


1. Objective
2. Related theory
1. 이원식. 분말야금의 기초. 기전연구사. 2003.
2. 분체공학 / 로즈, 마틴. 東和技術, 2005.
3. http://iss.jaxa.jp/kibo/kibo-j/msl/msldoc3_e.html. Space station. microgravity experiments


Understanding difference between solid and liquid state sintering by making an experiment in liquid state sintering with Fe and Cu powder.
Finding out the appropriate weight ratio of Cu powder about the liquid state sintering with Fe and Cu powder, then, finding out the appropriate temperature on the this experiment.
Understanding difference between premixing and infiltration method, then, knowing their process.
Getting design ability about the appropriate conditions of the liquid state sintering with Fe and Cu powder.
2. Related theory
Sintering is usually used to form materials which have a high melting point. However, this method requires high temperature and long duration for heating in order to bond the junctions between ground material particles by congelation or diffusion. Liquid phase sintering, employed in MSL-1, makes it possible to process the sintering at lower temperature and short duration by saturating molten metals, which have lower melting points, into ground materials. At the junctions between powdered materials which have high melting points, the effect of interface force is dominant, promoting the local process of melting and eduction, and bonding between particles will be accelerated. The existence of high-density particles and the

참고 자료

1. 이원식. 분말야금의 기초. 기전연구사. 2003.
2. 분체공학 / 로즈, 마틴. 東和技術, 2005.
3. http://iss.jaxa.jp/kibo/kibo-j/msl/msldoc3_e.html. Space station. microgravity experiments.
판매자 유형Silver개인


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