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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
34페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


biofeedback 의 정의, 역사, 유형, 작용 원리, 오늘날 이용


What is biofeedback?
The Beginnings of Biofeedback
Are there different types of biofeedback?
How does biofeedback work?
How is Biofeedback Used Today?
Effect of Biofeedback in Insomnia
Effect of Biofeedback in Headache
Effect of Biofeedback in ADHD


1. Serving in a military, emergency-services facility in Iraq,
2. Presented with anxiety, depressed mood, insomnia.
1) One week later, sleep was significantly improved.
2) Symptom improvement lasted to at least 6 weeks while in theater.
One year later, a check-in with the patient revealed that after returning home, he had been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
1) Biofeedback may be a useful means of improving sleep in a combat zone.
2) Improvements may not necessarily prevent the development of more serious symptoms later.
Effect of Biofeedback in Headache(1)
This study aimed to examine the effect of biofeedback treatment on headache activity, anxiety, and depression in Korean female migraine headache.
Effect of Biofeedback in Headache(2)
Neurofeedback and biofeedback with 37 migraineurs: a clinical outcome study
Effect of Biofeedback in Headache(2)
:Of the 37 migraine patients treated, 26 patients or 70% experienced at least a 50% reduction in the frequency of their headaches which was sustained on average 14.5 months after treatments were discontinued.
: All combined neuro and biofeedback interventions were effective in reducing the frequency of migraines with clients using medication resulting in a more favorable outcome than just medications alone.
1. treating treatment-refractory migraine
2. preventing the progression from episodic to chronic migraine
Effect of Biofeedback in ADHD(1)
Effect of Biofeedback in ADHD(2)
Neurofeedback (NF) could help
In children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
1. Attentional capabilities
2. Self-management capabilities

참고 자료

신경정신의학 2nd edition ; 대한신경정신의학회 편
University of Maryland Medical center ; Medical Reference – Complementary medicine
Department of Mental Health, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CA 92134, USA
Effect of Biofeedback-assisted Autogenic Training on Headache Activity and Mood States in Korean Female Migraine Patients ; Eun-Ho Kang1, Joo-Eon Park2, Chin-Sang Chung3, and Bum-Hee Yu1 , J Korean Med Sci 2009; 24: 936-40
Neurofeedback and biofeedback with 37 migraineurs: a clinical outcome study ; Deborah A Stokes, Martha S Lap, Behavioral and Brain Functions 2010, 6:9
Effect of Neurofeedback on Variables of Attention in a Large Multi-Center Trial ; D Kaiser, S othmer, Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol 4(1), 2000
Neurofeedback training in children with ADHD: 6-month follow-up of a randomised controlled trial ; Holger Gevensleben, Birgit Holl, Bjo¨rn Albrecht, Dieter Schlamp, Oliver Kratz, Petra Studer, Aribert Rothenberger, Gunther H. Moll, Hartmut Heinrich, Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ; DOI 10.1007/s00787-010-0109-5


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