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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


American Connector Company


Ⅰ. Summarize the case

1. Introduction ACC
2. The Electrical Connector Industry in the Early 1990s
3. Profile of DJC Corporation
4. The Kawasaki Plant
5. Profile of American Connector Company
6. The Sunnyvale Plant
7. The Options

Ⅱ. Study Question

1. Study Question 1
1) How serious is the threat of DJC to ACC?
2) How big are the cost differences between DJC`s plant and ACC`s Sunnyvale plant?
3) What accounts for these differences?
How much of the differences is inherent in the way each of the two companies compete?
How much is due strictly to differences in the efficiency of the operations?
4) What should ACC`s management at the Sunnyvale plant do?

2. Study Question 2


Ⅰ. Summarize the case
1. Introduction ACC
DJC Corporation of Japan had become a dominant supplier of electrical connectors .

However, despite its success in Japan, DJC was barely a contender in the U. S. market
① Company had no plants in the U. S
② only a small sales force there

Last few years that DJC would build a new plant here to launch an attack on the U. S.
Vice President was concerned with the company`s connector plant in Sunnyvale, California since the past year.
① Costs at Sunnyvale were increasing
② quality seemed to be deteriorating

- Now she wondered whether the DJC situation called for a completely new manufacturing strategy.

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