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[생산운영관리] ERP와 e-Operations(영문자료)

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14페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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Jinyang’s ERP Adoption
ERP Implementation
Evidence 1: Material Loss Reduction
Evidence 2: Maintaining Operations Managers in Sales Growth
Evidence 3: Attitude Change toward IT
Lesson 1: Computerization vs. Process Innovation


Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
a computer information system that integrates business functions in an organization`s value chain
ERP system offers the capacity to handle resources based on business functional integration, and makes operating processes efficient in order to produce sufficient performance in rapidly changing environment
Most literature on ERP implementation have focused on large enterprises
However, ERP costs have been decreasing enough to let small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use the system
ERP application service provider is tempting SMEs that have a few IT professionals
SMEs follow a very different way to adopt ERP system from large enterprises in terms of “operating requirement, logistics fulfillment, and financial capabilities”
This paper reports how Jinyang coped with typical challenges that most companies have faced when implementing an ERP system.
Jinyang Oil Seal Co., Ltd.: A professional oil seal manufacturer for auto and electronic equipment.
Even though it’s a small enterprise, Jinyang has become a provider of world-class products through continous R&D efforts
Jinyang`s efforts for quality improvement resulted in obtaining four ISO certifications, and the company was selected as the winner of an outstanding company prize by Korean Government

departments and processes was believed to be the most critical barometer of ERP success at Jinyang
Floor workers became more sensitive to type in both input and output that occurred during their work processes
Lesson 5: More Focus on Post-Development
Many successful IT projects would end up being failures if the developed systems were not maintained and supported on a continuous basis
Jinyang examined their ERP system regularly in order to find problems and new requirements for its continuous improvement
Jinyang is keeping a good relationship with ComputerMate even after the project was over
“I believe that our success is just a beginning of the long road. We need to have our employees think more creatively using systematic thinking”
The second generation of ERP systems that help the organizational business processes to be more streamlined

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[생산운영관리] ERP와 e-Operations(영문자료)
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