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`마틸다` 영어 독후감

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최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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마틸다 라는 책의 영어 독후감입니다.




When she was 4 years old, she started to read books. She enjoyed reading different types of books in the library. From reading a lot of books, her range of knowledge has widened. Matilda loved books and often imagined the world of books. However, her parents didn’t like her behavior towards the book and enforce her to watch TV which was useless. How her parents are different from my parents? My parents always want me to read books, to study or to go to academy. Even though I know that the TV is just an unnecessary square box, I always want to watch it. I was amazed at Matilda’s appetite for books, but her parent’s act more surprised me. I feel sorry for Matilda because if her parents supported her reading books, she would be more developed. Her parents didn’t like Matilda and they decided to send her school. Matilda was pleased with this because she was eager to go to school before.

참고 자료

마틸다 1 로알드 달
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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