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조선시대 아산 공세곶창성의 배치 특성에 관한 연구

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최종 저작일
20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 16권 / 3호
저자명 : 이왕기, 이정수, 임초롱

영어 초록

There were many researches on marine transportation and granaries, most of which focused on the historical establishment and organization of the marine transportation. However, a few researches were conducted on the architectural aspects. Hence the purposes of this study are to investigate the following matters: first, documents and relics concerning the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse in Asan, a typical granary during the Joseon Dynasty, were investigated to academically understand the castle's establishment and historical background; second, the dispositional characteristics of the granary and the castle, including its adjacent facilities, were investigated to review its archaeological value; finally, basic materials were provided for systematical preservation and management these relics. As for the research method, the author referred to and analyzed sundry records and old maps, and ascertained in detail historical evidence through residential testimonies and the on-the-spot surveys. In addition, the author investigated the dispositional characteristics of the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse by analyzing its exact size and shape, based on the old documents and an actual survey of the castle remains. The characteristics of the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse may be summarized as follows. First, tribute granary at cape Gongse is a only tribute granary which has a granary and castle. second, the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse has a curvilinear shape, like a gourd dipper; a large circle surrounding the village and a small circle surrounding the area of Mt. Shinpoong both meet up with it. Third, the construction type of the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse is in a style similar to a town castle or a battle camp castle located in the coastal regions. As for its locational conditions, however, the east gate, presumably an incoming and outgoing route to the granary for vessels, was a feature unique to the marine granary castle. Fourth, the tribute granary at Cape Gongse had a granary of eighty kan in 1523 and, in addition, there were also Bongsang-cheong, Sa-chang, Joseon-sobakcheo, Chimhae-dang, and more, not to mention many privates houses in the castle. The granary is located in the center of the tribute granary castle, where Gongse Nonghyub is currently located. The location of the government offices seemed to be on the northern ridge. Fifth, the tribute granary castle at Cape Gongse is a valuable relic that offers insight into marine transportation, tribute granaries, and tribute granary castles during the Joseon Dynasty. It has special archaeological value because it was one of only a few tribute granary castles that served to protect the tribute granaries.

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