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A Study on the Turth Finding Movements Concerning the Reenactment and Amendment of the Jeju 4.3 Special Law

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 10권 / 2호
저자명 : Jeong-cheol Yang, Young-hee Ko, Michael Saxton


Jeju 4.3 Fact-finding Movement
1. Initial Movement for Fact-finding
2. Fact-finding Movement for the establishment ofthe Jeju 4.3 Special Law
3. Efforts to enact a special law on Jeju 4.3
4. Efforts to restore the honor of the victims
Discussions on the revision of the Jeju 4.3Special Law and Jeju 4.3 Special Law SupportOrdinances
1. Discussions by the National Assembly to Revisethe Jeju 4.3 Special Law
2. Public-Private efforts to pass the revisions ofthe Jeju 4.3 Special Act during the 20th NationalAssembly
3. Jeju Provincial Council Local Support Ordinanceson the Jeju 4.3 Special Law

영어 초록

Jeju 4.3 refers to a seven year and seven month long period of events; from the 1947 Gwandeokjang Square incident on March 1st, 1947 at Buk Elementary, where a horsed police officer’s mistake lead to casualties that many citizens felt was inadequately investigated to September 21st, 1954, when the Geumjok area of Hallasan was fully opened, officially ending the lock down of Jeju Island. In Jeju, 4.3 was a taboo word. Jeju 4.3 slowly began to rise to the surface of discussion after the collapse of the Syngman Rhee regime in the April Revolution of 1960. In May 1960, the "April 3 Incident Fact-finding Committee," which was led by seven students from Jeju National University, became an organization and began the work of uncovering the truth about Jeju 4.3. In the literary world, Kim Seok-beom's "Hwasando" was published in 1976, and Hyun Ki-Young’s "Aunt Suni", which deals with the massacre in Bukchon was published in 1978, talked about the pain of Jeju 4.3. Later, the political communities tried to console the bereaved families who suffered from national violence through the enactment of the Jeju 4.3 Special Law. As of 2016, discussions on the revision of the Jeju April 3 Special Law were continuously raised and five revisions were submitted to the National Assembly, drawing keen attention from political circles. In the end, Jeju politicians, academia, and civic groups are still making efforts for amendment to be passed through the 21th National Assembly.

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A Study on the Turth Finding Movements Concerning the Reenactment and Amendment of the Jeju 4.3 Special Law
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