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ㆍ발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회)
ㆍ수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 50권 / 3호
ㆍ저자명 : 오택윤, 조영복, 서영일, 김병엽, 이창헌
ㆍ저자명 : 오택윤, 조영복, 서영일, 김병엽, 이창헌
영어 초록
Small yellow croaker is one of the important stocks in Korean waters. In this study, we conducted sea trials to estimate optimum height of a drift gill net for effective fishing of small yellow croaker. In the trial using existing net which has 9.2m in height, there was 22 species (1,180 fishes, 99.9kg) caught. The catch (in individuals) of small yellow croaker, especially larger fishes (over 22cm in FL), was higher as part of net height is higher, while the number of species bycaught and the catch of those species were higher as part of net height is lower. In the trial using extension net which has 18.4m in height, there was 27 species (2,030 fishes, 151.7kg). It showed same pattern with existing net in the section I to III, however, in the section IV which is over 13.8m of net height, the catch sharply decreased. The number of species bycaught and the catch of those species using extension net were also same as results using existing net. It showed that section III (9.2-13.8m) where is upper-middle part of the net has caught most of catch and large fishes having over 22cm in length. Through these results, it is judged that the setting depth of the net where is 4.6-13.8m above the sea bottom is the best to reduce bycatch and catch much more large size fishes, and the catch per net is proportional to filtering area of net. Therefore the Fisheries Resource Management Act (the clause 1, article 10) on the amount of usage for offshore drift gill net need to be considered not only length of a net but also net height.참고 자료
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