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백색 중형종 심비디움 ‘Sweet Wedding’ 육성

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국화훼학회 수록지정보 : 화훼연구 / 23권 / 4호
저자명 : 김미선, 박부희, 권오근, 안혜련, 박필만, 이영란


서 언
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한국어 초록

농촌진흥청 원예특작과학원에서는 2013년에 백색계 중 형종 심비디움 ‘Sweet Wedding’ 신품종을 개발하였다. 이 품종은 심비디움 ‘Cotton Club’과 심비디움 ‘Grace Kelly’를 2000년도에 교배하고 그 후대들로부터 얻었다. 온 실에서 식재 및 순화 과정을 거쳐 130개체의 실생묘를 얻었다. 2007년도에 화색, 엽형, 생장성과 같은 특성검정을 거쳐 한 개의 개체를 선발하였고 ‘원교 F1-45’로 명명하 였다. 개체번호 ‘00-0722-127’는 균일성을 가지고, 우수한 원예적 형질을 지니고 있었다. 2차 특성검정을 거친 후에 ‘Sweet Wedding’으로 명명하였다. 이 품종은 품종 은 백색계(RHS, WN155D)이며, 1개 꽃대에 11.4개의 소 화가 착생하며 화폭이 큰 편이다. 일반적인 꽃받침과 꽃 잎의 모양은 약간 안쪽으로 오므라드는 형태이다. 꽃대 는 반직립성이다. 재배여건이 양호할 경우 개화시기는 12 월 중순경부터이다.

영어 초록

Recently in 2013, a Cymbidium hybrid known as ‘Sweet Wedding’, which has white colored flower and medium size, was developed by National Institute and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration (Suwon, Korea). The first trial which generated the Cymbidium hybrid had begun in a cross-breeding experiment between C. ‘Cotton Club’ and C. ‘Grace Kelly’ in 2000. Through progenies resulting from the cross between the two different plants, 130 seedlings were obtained by planting during greenhouse acclimatization. 7 years later, one line was deliberately chosen among the hybrid progenies according to their phenotypic standards, especially such as flower color, flower stalk, leaf shape, and growth conditions, and it was given name ‘Wongyo F1-45’. The labeled line whose code ‘00-0722- 127’ achieved a relatively good botanical uniformity and excellent horticultural features. Finally, ‘Sweet Wedding’, the hybrid Cymbidium, was attained by the cross experiments in which the standard appearances were examined twice at the selected line. ‘Sweet Wedding’ has white colored petals (WN155D), red lip (RP60A), and large size flowers, and the number of flowers per one flower stalk is 11.4. In addition to these parts which give a general impression of somewhat incurved in shape, it belongs to a medium-sized Cymbidium. Peduncle attitude is half-erect, and the flowers start to bloom from middle of December under optimal culture condition.

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백색 중형종 심비디움 ‘Sweet Wedding’ 육성
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