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知能的 敎授體制(ITS)의 敎育的 觀點과 構成要因 考察

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최종 저작일
14페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 28권 / 3호
저자명 : 朴成益


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 授業과 知能的 敎授體制의 脈絡
Ⅲ. 知能的 敎授體制의 構成要因
Ⅳ. 結論

영어 초록

Instruction is an extremely complex and difficult process that is not manipulable according to preplanned systems. Recently, artificial intelligence researchers are interested in representing the knowledge-base that expert human teachers use in order to figure out computationale molels of the instructional process. As a profession, the teaching expert is the component of an intelligent tutoring system that is responsible for dynamically making instructional decisions. In this sense, intelligent tutoring system have, as this goal, the provision of indivisualiged instruction of equivalent quality of that of a human teacher. To realize the educational imagination mentioned here, it is quite valuable to review the rationale and architecture of intelligent tutoring systems.
The purpose of this paper is ⑴ to investigate the use of instructional systems in education ; ⑵ to present a survey of the literature to review the principles of instruction focused on tutorial interaction ; ⑶ to examine why instructional planning is so significant ; ⑷ to inquire the major components that are necessary to build an effective intelligent tutoring systems.
The highlights of this review can be summarized as follows ; ⑴ Traditional CAI systems store presequenced frames of tex(information+questions) that are presented to the student in a sequence determined by the student's response to questions asked after the presentation of one frame of text. The prototypes of these systems are Pressey's teaching machine and Crowder's programmed textbooks. In contrast, generative sets of tools have been developed. in recent days, to aid in CAI course development, For instance, Tutor and APT as system-dependent languages and PILOT as system independent languages facilitate the development process that embody the pedagogic decisions made by experts.
⑵ Investigations of tutorial interactions as instructional principles have resulted in the articulation of a number of instrucitonal strategies and various didactic sequencing principles. A majority of intelligent tutoring system employ either a Socratic or Coaching method as an instructional strategy for presenting learning material, as typified in the early WHY and WEST systems. One shortcoming of these systems is that the programs developed to employ these strategies do not separately interpret them in a knowledge base.
⑶ An instructional planning approach is a good way to view instruction. The one reason is that one way to think of instruction is to view it as the problem of communicating knowledge to the student. The other reason is that one way to formulate the problem of instruction is to recognize that instructionㆍhas the goal of communication knowledge to the student.
⑷ In this paper was examined the components that are necessary to build an effective intelligent tutoring system, and has identified the architecture of intellignet tutoring system. Although researchers address various aspects of intelligent tutoring system, agreement on necessary component is fairly solid and shows six major components of intelligent tutoring system as follows : ① domain knowledge component which is responsible for manipulating and reasoning about the knowledge that is to be taught : ② student knowledge component which is responsible for developing and maintaining a model of the student's current knowledge state ; ③ Communications component which is responsible for the actual interaction with the student; ® System learning component which is responsible for improving teaching behavior, and ⑤ system control component which is controlling the various components of an intelligent tutoring system ; ⑥ Teaching expert component which is to impart the domain knowledge to the student.

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知能的 敎授體制(ITS)의 敎育的 觀點과 構成要因 考察
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