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敎育의 過程에 대한 美學的 照明

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최종 저작일
18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 19권 / 1호
저자명 : 韓明希


Ⅰ. 序 論
Ⅱ. 知的 過程의 美術的 基礎
Ⅲ. 學習經驗의 美學的 要因
Ⅳ. 敎育의 過程에 對 한 美學的 分析

영어 초록

The goal of this study is to investicate the nature of the aesthetic dimension of the process of Education in general. That is to prove the essential existence of aesthetic elements in learning experience which can be successfully resulted in internalized disposition of the learner.
The goal is devided into three connected sub-objectives of this study. The first is to clarify the structure of the aesthetic cognition involved in the process of the total cognition itself, which will, in turn, illumine the epistemological characteristics of the aesthetic knowing. The nature of aesthetic knowing is tried to be proved as the essential part of the genuine cognition which will en-able the knowledge to be transformed into values. The relation between the knowledge and values can be reestablished by means of a thorough transformation of the present conception of knowledge and knowing. The Recognition of the aesthetic knowing as a kind and as a part of knowing process is crucial for this transformation of the knowledge concept.
The second objectives is to analyze the aesthetic element as an essential condition for the learning experience. The contention argued here is that the more perfect the learning experience is, the stronger .the aesthetic element the experience should contain. That is, it is to indicate that educational experiences of any kind should involves aesthetic experience so that the aesthetic experience can serve as a useful model of the educational experiences. The argument is partly based on, and closely related with the first contention that the aesthetic knowing is an essential part of the wholesome cognition. In other word, the proposition tries to defend the best artisitic experience as the best educational one in terms of its effect and efficacy.
The third objectives is to draw the practical implications from the above two theoretical analysis for educational process. The aesthetic implications and interpretations give some illuminations on the aesthetic nature of educational goals, contents, and forms. First, the extended conception of cognition or knowing in the educational process gives a support to an argument that there should be a way of evaluating an objectives that cannot be or should not be translated into observable items of behaviors. This is to indicate a blank spot in the contemporary demand for behavioral objectives. It is criticized that the kind of educational outcomes having to do with the individual’s values schema, his attitude or his interpretations of experiences can not. and should not be formaluted explicitly to some set of stable rules.
Second. the nature and structure of educational contents and forms is analyzed. with an comparison to those of aesthetic medium. This analysis explains the importance of aesthetic nature of educational medium including the form and contents of teaching-learning process. Specifically the discussion contains ⑴ an analysis of conception of teaching as an art in terms of its aesthetic structure. as well as its limitations of the conceptual applications. and ⑵ a guide for the direction of how the process of education as such can be of an aesthetic elements.

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敎育의 過程에 대한 美學的 照明
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