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[영어]영어 자기소개서

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영어로 쓴 자기 소개서 입니다.




First of all, I will tell you something about myself.
My name is eh-rym woo. I was born in Gokseong on juiy. 12. 1984.
I`ve grown up as the only daughter with considerate and strict parents. Although I feel alone, I get along wiht people.
I grow up with the help of my father who is really sincere and hard-working and with a sweet love of my coffee-loving mother who always pays big attentions to me. Like my parents` bright characters, my personal character is also very bright and positive.
my personality is characteristic standing bow it accomplishes and it is be active and it is positive and optimistic. It is a side where the perseverance core and patience are strong. It is a side which the many hour is caught but until end finishing makes a what kind of work. Also being frank always, the inside oneself there is an oneself and it expresses. Occasionally thing or the attachment will be strong in the person, it is to be taken up. The affection which sleeps is to be taken up damage the ball many occasionally.
My most important things would be my family, my friends. There are many things that I don`t like. I beginning to dislike Soju recently and I couldn`t swallow it any more.
My strong points would be that I don`t think about too long. My weak points would be my extreme laziness and short of patience.
My hobbies are listening music and watching movie. Especially I like R&B music and romantic movie. So I like to collect CD and watching movie every weekend. but I don`t have time to go to a theater and watch videos only which makes me little sad.


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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