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[영어][영작문]오사마 빈 라덴에 대하여... Osama Bin Laden

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최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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오사마 빈 라덴에 대한 조사와 에세이 영작문




Osama bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In a 1998 interview, he gave his birth date as 10 March 1957. His father Muhammed Awad bin Laden was a wealthy businessman with close ties to the Saudi royal family. Osama bin Laden was born the only son of Muhammed bin Laden`s tenth wife, Hamida al-Attas. Osama`s parents divorced soon after he was born. Osama`s mother then married Muhammad al-Attas. The couple had four children, and Osama lived in the new household with three stepbrothers and one stepsister. Bin Laden was raised as a devout Sunni Muslim. From 1968 to 1976 he attended the "elite" secular Al-Thager Model School. Bin Laden studied economics and business administration at King Abdulaziz University. Some reports suggest bin Laden earned a degree in civil engineering in 1979, or a degree in public administration in 1981. Other sources describe him as having left university during his third year, never completing a college degree, though "hard working." At university, bin Laden`s main interest was religion, where he was involved in both" interpreting the Quran and jihad" and charitable work.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영어][영작문]오사마 빈 라덴에 대하여... Osama Bin Laden
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