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Alexander the Great (알렉산더 대왕)감상문, 독후감

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7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기


알렉산더 대왕 영화와 실제 역사에서 기술되어지는 알렉산더 대왕에 대한 차이점에 관한 영문 에세이 입니다.work cited첨부 되어 있습니다.




Alexander was born on July 20, 356 B.C.E. in Pella, the capital of Macedon, on the northern borders of the Greek-speaking world. He was the son of Olympia and of Philip II, King of Macedon. Alexander the Great opened a new era in the history of the world, because during his lifetime he conquered no less than ninety percent of the known world.
One story of his life is told in the movie, Alexander, which was filmed in 2004 by Oliver Stone. In Brad Brevet’s article “Alexander Set Reports Revisited: Separating Fact from Fiction,” Brevet notes, “In reading the production notes for the film it is evident that Oliver Stone did not set out to make a 100% accurate documentary on the life of Alexander…, but it is apparent that he set out to make what he felt was the best historical story he could with a bit of fiction mixed in.” Actually, the form of the film is fashioned by the director’s own artistic vision and his point of view. Investigating and finding the differences between Stone’s artistic form and the true historical story of Alexander the Great have led me to see that, although the film distorts some historical facts, it, nonetheless, captures the bravery and the spirit of this amazing man.

참고 자료

Bieber, Margarete. Alexander The Great. 1st ed. Chicago: Argonaut Inc., 1964.

Brevet, Brad. ‘Alexander’ Set Reports Revisited: Separating Fact from Fiction - RopeofSilicon.com Movie News, Trailers, Reviews and More. Movie News, Reviews, Trailers and More at RopeofSilicon.com. 16 Nov. 2004. 1 Feb. 2009 <http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/article/alexander_set_reports_revisited_separating_fact_from_fiction>.

Famous Homosexuals - Gay Lovers of Alexander the Great - World History of Male Love. Gay History, Gay Art, Homosexual Mythology and Literature - World History of Male Love. 2001. 2 Feb. 2009 <http://www.gay-art-history.org/gay-history/gay-literature/famous-homosexuals/alexander-great-gay/alexander-great-gay.html>.

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