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임베디드시스템설계 팀과제물 샘플

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최종 저작일
28페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 4,900원 할인쿠폰받기


임베디드 시스템 설계 팀과제물 샘플입니다. 저혼자 만든게 아니라서 =_= 많이 망설였지만
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논문에 버금가는 훌륭한 퀄러티를 보여줍니다. 변형에도 큰도움이 될꺼라 생각합니다.

Automatic Feed System
Embedded System Design

레포트의 수익금중 일부는 훌륭한 팀원들 연구비(?)로 사용이 될것입니다.


[1] Introduction
1. Preface
2. Background
3. About AFS
4. Concern information
5. AFS System info
6. Application
[2] Sketch
[3] System
1. Automatic Feed System flow chart diagram
2. Automatic Feed System Architecture
3. Automatic Feed System Electric circuit diagram
[4] Circuit description
1. Servo Motor
2. Stepping Motor
3. Unipolar Motor
4. Motor Driver (SLA7024M)
5. Operation method
6. Infrared Sensor
7. Ultrasonic Sensor
[5] Conclusion
[6] Reference
[7] Contact us


1. Preface
What is the Embedded system? Embedded system is A specialized computer system that is part of a larger system or machine. Typically, an embedded system is housed on a single microprocessor board with the programs stored in ROM. Virtually all appliances that have a digital system, watches, timer, microwaves, car system, etc. utilize embedded systems. Some embedded systems include an operating system, but many require so specialized that the entire logic can be implemented as a single program.
[4] Circuit description
1. Servo Motor
- Location and direction of the object, to do attitude etc. with and controlled variable in order to follow to the change of option of set point, the control system which is composed.
-In compliance with a control signal load under the drive system.
-The servo-motor with quick answer back with the control motor which has the scope of wide speed control, according to that all the member with the direct current servo-motor is classified with the interchange servo-motor.
-Technique of the servo-motor in compliance with a big development the goal which uses, according to use wants selects the motor where.
-Feature of servo-motor.
1)High intermittent torque.
2)The torque ratio which follows in inertia the loftiness.
3)High speed.
4)Suitable in speed control.
5)At all sizes serviceable.
-Applies from project : To perceive the dog-house with the supersonic sensor and at the time of servo-motor which will be the doghouse to use, to put in the food in the wicker basket.
* The servo-motor control method which uses PWM.(language : C)
-With PWM structures principle of operation.
PWM where is provided from 80196 as 3 provides the wave shape of the variable frequency mote expense about the frequency which is fixed. This signal in order to be a drive from is used the motor, in order to make soft analog signal with the filter is used. Composition of 8-bit counter, 3-comparator, pwm_control, pwm1_control, pwm2control, 3-holding register, 3-RS flipflop.
PWM period and high output time formality
2clock free scaling function not use. (ioc2.2=0)
2 clock free scaling function use. (ioc2.2=1)
PWM period
PWM high output time
-Wants every the angle where wants and the wave shape which to put in controls the servo-motor with from zoom.
* PWM source (output pin : HSO.1)
#pragma model(kc)
#define T_15MS 18750 /*18750state*0.8us=15ms*/
#define SERVO_CENTER 1875 /*18750state*0.8us=15ms*/
#define SERVO_LEFT 875 /*875state*0.8us=0.7ms*/
#define SERVO_RIGHT 2875 /*2875state*0.8us=2.3ms*/
5) Electric circuit
6. source
int count = 0;
int count0 = 0;
int toggle0 = 0;
// Timer & Conuter
interrupt [TIM0_OVF] void timer_int0(void) // 29.4u per auto Interrput
TCNT0 = 0x6C;
if(count > 255) count = 255;
// external interrput

참고 자료

임베디드 시스템 강의 자료
기타 로봇 관련 서적
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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