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Economic and Demographic Changes between South Korea and North Korea

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


한국과 북한의 인구구조 변화 및 1인당 GNI로 본 경제상 비교




The South Korean economy grew enormously, and the economic structure was radically transformed. South Korea`s GNI expanded by an average of more than 8% per year, from U.S. $2.3 billion in 1962, to U.S. $788 billion in 2006. As you can see in the bar graph, per capita annual income is U.S. $17,690 in 2006, upfrom U.S. $87 in 1962.
North Korea`s reliance on a command economy has led to an inward-looking development strategy. Priority is assigned to establishing a self-sufficient industrial base. This approach is in sharp contrast to South Korea`s outward-oriented strategy, which started with light industry in order to meet the demands of growing domestic and foreign markets and export expansion.
As a result, the North Korean economy has become increasingly isolated from that of the rest of the world, and its industrial development and structure do not reflect its international competitiveness. It led North Korea to chronic inefficiency, poor quality, limited product diversity, and underutilization of plants.North Korea`s GNI in 2006wasU.S. $22.9 billion, or U.S. $920 per capita.

참고 자료

CIA World Factbook (https://www.cia.gov)
Country Studies (http://countrystudies.us)
Federation of American Scientists (http://www.fas.org)
Globalis (http://globalis.gvu.unu.edu)
Korea national Statistical Office (www.nso.go.kr)
Korea Scope (http://www.koreascope.com)
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Economic and Demographic Changes between South Korea and North Korea
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