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[영문학] 포프, 드라이든, 스위프스-비평주의와 18세기 문학

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Pope, Dryden and Swift: Classicism and the eighteenth century
포프, 드라이든, 스위프트 - 비평주의와 18세기
18세기의 특징과 중요한 작가와 작품
요약 정리했습니다. 총 5~6페이지에요.


1. Introduction to the Eighteen Century
- The Augustan Age

(1) Style and form were influenced by Classical antiquity:
(2) Strict adherence to the rules of good writing:
(3) The most popular verse type was the closed couplet,
(4) Satire flourished
(5) Age Of Reason

3. Major Writers in Eighteenth-Century
(1) ALEXANDER POPE (1688-1744)
< Satire and Pope >
<Pope and originality>
<Pope`s style>
Important Works:
(2) JOHN DRYDEN (1631-1700)
(3) JONATHAN SWIFT (1667-1745)


The Augustan Age
The eighteenth century in English literature has been
called the Augustan Age, the Neoclassical Age, and
Age of Reason. The term the Augustan Age comes
from the self-conscious imitation of the original
Augustan writers, Virgil and Horace, by many of
the writers of the period. Specifically, the Augustan
Age was the period after the Restoration era to the death of Alexander Pope (~1690 - 1744). The seeds of modern western European society began to be laid in the eighteen century. The major writers of the age were Pope and John Dryden in poetry, and Jonathan Swift in prose.
................. (1) ALEXANDER POPE (1688-1744)

Quintessential Neoclassical Poet, or the Wicked Wasp of Twickenham

Leader of the Scriblerus Club along with Arbuthnot, Gay, St. John and Harley, Pope was a poet of many contradictions, both revered and reviled. One of the great Classical scholars of his day, he was also a superb technician, who took seriously his own advice:Half the fun of writing is in the polishing! He became, through his example and authority, poetic arbiter of his age, influencing poetic diction during the whole of the second half of the century. Pope was a master of the couplet, who used a series of techniques to add variety and freshness to the form: chiasm (a type of balanced line employing inversion), zeugma (a type of antithesis where two ideas--one literal and one metaphoric--are yoked together), montaging (erudite borrowing), puns, enjambment, compressed syntax, etc. ..........

참고 자료

기존 참고 자료 - ENGLISH LITERATURE-a student guide, Stepaen, Longman.
기타 참고 자료 -
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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탑툰 이벤트
[영문학] 포프, 드라이든, 스위프스-비평주의와 18세기 문학
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