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The Characteristics of Hemingway’s Works 헤밍웨이 작품의 특징

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헤밍웨이 작품의 특징에 대한 Term Paper 입니다.
헤밍웨이의 문체, code hero, 전쟁과의 관계에 대해 영어로 작성 하였습니다.
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Thesis statement: Hemingway is famous for his writing style and “Hemingway Code Hero.” In addition, his many works were based on his experiences of war.

I. Introduction: Ernest Hemingway occupies an outstanding position in the American
literature. He is regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century.

II. Hemingway has unique writing style on his work.

A. Hemingway’s simple prose style is his important feature.

B. Hemingway used “Iceberg Principle.”

C. Hemingway is a writer who represents hard-boiled style.

III. Hemingway’s characters have specific characteristics called the “Hemingway Code Hero.”

A. The characteristics of the “Hemingway Code Hero” are the honor, courage, and endurance in a life of stress, misfortune, and pain.

B. Santiago of a novella The Old Man and the Sea is one of the finest examples of the “Hemingway Code Hero.”

IV. Hemingway’s experiences from war became foundations of his great works.

A. Hemingway’s experiences from World War I influenced his novel A Farewell to Arms.

B. The aftermath of World War I affected the “Lost Generation”. Hemingway discussed aimlessness of the “Lost Generation” in his novel The Sun Also Rises.

C. Hemingway’s experiences from the Spanish Civil War became the base of his novel For Whom the Bell Tolls.

V. Conclusion: Ernest Hemingway has unique characteristics on his works; unique writing style, the “Hemingway Code Hero,” and works which base on his experiences of war. His works have had huge influences on American life.


The Characteristics of Hemingway’s Works
Ernest Hemingway, who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1954, occupies an outstanding position in the American literature. He is regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. Hemingway is famous for his distinct writing style and his “Code Hero.” In addition, his many great works are based on his experiences of war.
Hemingway’s writing style is arguably the most distinctive characteristic of his works. The minimalist style is the core of Hemingway’s writing style. His writing style contrasts with William Faulkner’s meticulous writing style. Margaret Anne O`Connor and John Alberti described, “If Faulkner confuses readers because he offers so many details for readers to sift through in order to understand what`s going on, Hemingway confuses by offering so few” (par. 8). Hemingway developed his simple writing style while he was a reporter for the Kansas City Star. The newspaper office supported Hemingway to learn “short sentences, short paragraphs, active verbs, authenticity, compression, clarity and immediacy.” Hemingway said, "Those were the best rules I ever learned for the business of writing. I`ve never forgotten them” (The Hemingway Resource Center par. 1).

참고 자료

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