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[영문에세이]process essay-how to buy a car

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


과정 에세이라고 하여 어떻게 자동차를 사는가?라는 주제로 단계별 형식의 에세이입니다.
물론 A 받은 에세이입니다.




Nowadays, so many people use cars that make it easy to travel. For example when we go to the grocery store, the mart, or any where, and pick up something that is useful to people, cars make it easier to move. For these reasons choosing of a car are important, hence what is the best way to choose and buy car? I want to recommend that when people buy a car they think about price, find their favorite, collect information, compare cars, test drive, and bargain with the dealer.
You should decide a car price. If you do not think about the car price, it makes it difficult choosing a car. You should check how much you can afford how much money you have want to spend and then you have to determine minimum and maximum. It helps to your car choice. After deciding the price, you have to think about the future because sometimes the car can suddenly break down. So you have to save some money for fixing it. For example when I did not have enough money for fixing that time was very hard for me; I could not drive for while.
Next choose your favorite style. When you buy the car, you have to consider your taste. When you get your first car you will be happy just because you have one but after driving your car it does not feel your car. When I bought my first car that was my favorite car because I really liked about cozy, exterior, and interior. I could not give up that car. I paid lots of money but when I drove the car, I was so happy. But my second car was not my style so when I drove the car that was not comfortable. After two

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