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영어학개론 - 정리 : 음성학 등등

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
33페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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영어학개론 - 정리 : 음성학 등등 -> 전부 영어




Introduction - sounds : same vs different

Phonetic properties such as aspiration and palatalisation are not distinctive in English. Their use does not distinguish one word from another. However, properties such as voiced, voiceless, labial, alveolar, stop, fricative, approximant, and nasal are distinctive. They are used to distinguish one word from another. And another difference is automaticity.(The first is automatic but the second is not.)
1. There are those that distinguish one sound from another, and therefore one word from another. These properties are information-bearing.
--> Phoneme, a single sound segment which is contrasitive in a language.
2. There is the set of properties that provide a more detailed description of the pronunciation of a sound, but do not distinguish one sound(or word) from another. The members of this set are not information-bearing.
--> Allophone, the phonetic realisation of a phoneme.
ex) tip vs dip
3. Phonology : 1 + 2 = the study of the function and organisation of sounds in a particular language, or in language in general.
4. Caution) The set of properties that are distinctive is not constant throughout the world`s languages. Consequently, the set of distinctive sound segments may differ from language to language.

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