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  • LF몰 이벤트
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Reading for the real world 본문 요약

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


대학 영어 기본 교제인
Reading for the real world의
본문을 요약한 레포트입니다.


Unit 2 Computer & Technology - 1
-Fighting Spam-
Unit 4 Social Issues - 1
-Liberty and Legal Drugs-
Unit 6 Law & Crime - 2
-Presumption of Innocence-
Unit 8 Space Exploration - 2
-Is Pluto a Planet?-
Unit 10 People & Opinions -
-The Great Guinness Book-
Unit 12 Business & Economics - 1
-Capitalism and socialism-


Unit 2 Computer & Technology - 1
-Fighting Spam-
The spam mail is the e-mail that a receiver does not want. And be mail that have a commercial purpose. Dealing with spam mail is consumed a lot of time. And bring large loss to a company. Many anti-spammers are working hard in order to prevent spam mail. However, there is not a way to prevent. Be cause spammers can hide even if they find a sending e-mail address to a spam filter. Spammers can make lots of e-mail addresses. If using combination such as jhd0328, can be easily attacked by spammers. There is thing called "opt-in" during spam prevention systems. And there is a way to inform "blacklists" to e-mail users. A way to click unsubscribe link to prevent the spam mail is not good. Many e-mail account is a good way to have. Spammers can sending spam mail to the persons who participated in if we participate to surveys. It is a good way to look into a new spam filter.

Unit 4 Social Issues - 1
-Liberty and Legal Drugs-
Drug such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin using is illegal. But permit use of a soft drug in Netherland. Be cause Netherland regards freedom as important. Besides, coffee shop sells a drug in Netherland. However, prohibit sales to 18 years old under. And must not advertise coffee shop. A lot of people insist that legalize using of marijuana. They insist that marijuana is not more dangerous than alcohol. however opposite side insist that not legalize.

참고 자료



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