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[영어Essay]What I learned during vacation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


대학 생활에서도 방학 기간중에 보고, 느끼며 배운 여러가지 일들에 대한 essay입니다.
영어신문에 제출하기 위해 썼던 글로써 원어민의 수정, 탈고를 거쳐 만들어진 글입니다.




Some people said to stay at home and relax instead of exhausting ourselves during vacation. I strongly disagree with that. We already have weekends for just taking a rest. Everyday, it is possible to spend time reading books, doing neglected hobbies. Vacation is a special time to do something new! I think, the best way of spending a vacation is traveling to new places. I believe that people can be refreshed by travel. Also, a man of ripe experience could do his job well.
My family always approve my plan to go abroad. But I should make money myself. So I usually work at a department store selling swim-suits every summer. I have to endure summer vacation saving money, then I can travel during winter vacation. I have traveled to some places I wanted to visit, this makes me more brave and more sensible.
At my first vacation in university, I learned some skills for travel from trip to Tokyo, Japan.
I had never been go overseas till that time, I really wanted to visit Japan. So I worked at convenience store as a part-timer during summer vacation. Finally I could go Japan during winter vacation.
I made a reservation at a hotel and air ticket. Then applied for a visa for Japan. I got the know-how of using airport facilities and exchange Korean money for yen or dollars. It was not difficult to go another country. I became skillful in preparing travel.

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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