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[화학공학]PSA(pressure swing adsorption)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


흡착과 탈착을 이용한 PAS의 전반적인 내용과 단계, 이론, 물질 수지식등이 포함되어 있는 자료입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Principle of PSA
3. Step of PSA
4. Variableness of PAS
5. Analysis of PAS Process


PSA is useful process that separation and purification of mixture gases.
Compressed air enters the first absorbent tower containing molecular sieve (zeolite). As the air passes through the zeolite, the nitrogen absorbed to the zeolite and the oxygen passes through to be stored and used. When the first absorbent tower loads up with nitrogen, the air enters into the other absorbent tower and the first absorbent tower desorbs nitrogen. Two adsorbent towers are used and cycled to load and unload the zeolite, thus producing a continuous stream of oxygen.

Principle of PSA
Zeolite molecular sieve
- it is possible development of variety of separation process.

Characteristic of molecular sieve
- it use adsorption capacity for composition gases of air.
- it is possible concentration of oxygen.

This picture is adsorbed molecular sieve for relative affinity.
- after, gases adsorb for length of sieve bed, it must be purge
for generation of molecular sieve.

Increasing adsorption volume is cased by increasing pressure.
- gas will be separated when gas which will be not adsorbed
will extracted at amount of maximum adsorption capacity.

참고 자료

흡착제 (랄프 양)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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