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[영어에세이] About Corporal Punishment In Korean High School

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도움이 되었음 좋겠어요^^




There is a Korean traditional picture, Sudangdo which shows the scene of a
teacher hitting his student. In that picture, the teacher has an anxious look, and the
student who was beaten by his teacher, cries while other students laugh at him. Far from
looking bad, it is very natural; every student regards corporal punishment as a matter of
course. Like this, in the past, corporal punishment in Korea had been so normal that
every student did not complain or resist it. However, today, as the authority of teacher
has gone down, the doubt about the necessity of corporal punishment has grown up.
The issue that the student sued his teacher obviously shows this trend. Now, lots of
people insist that not only is corporal punishment not needed anymore, it can also cause

참고 자료

Won-jung Kim, “Love Rod”(05/27/2003), www.webzine,madang21.or.kr, 05/12/1999
The Korean Teacher Association Entire Union, “The Research of How Korean students think about the corporal punishment”, Chosun daily newspaper, 06/30/2002
The Kang Nam Educational Office, “The Research of Parents of Students about ‘Love Rod’”, Kangnam gu Monthly, 11/22/1999
In-sang Bang,“Educational Philosophy of Platon”(05/28/2003), The History of Occidental philosophy, www.sang1475.com.ne.kr, 04/12/2002
JJCity Club, “Stop Punishment!!”(05/27/2003),www.hi-edu.com, 10/22/2002
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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