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이상심리학 분야의 전통과 현대(2010~) 데이터 분석 방법 비교

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"이상심리학 분야의 전통과 현대(2010~) 데이터 분석 방법 비교"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Traditional Data Analysis Method (Before 2010)
3. Recent Data Analysis Method (After 2010)


Abnormal psychology is closely related to psychopathology. Thus, in terms of topics, it has lots in common with psychopathology. Among them, we aim to examine the change of data analysis method in abnormal psychology, focusing on ‘anxiety’ and ‘Schizophrenia’. In addition, we will focus on papers using neuroimaging and neurophysiological signals, which are common type of methods in abnormal psychology.

Traditional Data Analysis Method (Before 2010)
First, let’s focus on papers with neurophysiological signals, electroencephalography (EEG). In 1964, one study about the relationship between sleep and schizophrenic patients used Offner Type T electroencephalograph that run continuously at 15 mm/sec and either of two methods for recording eye-movement that yielded out-of-phase pen deflections.

참고 자료

Irwin Feinberg, Richard L. Koresko, Fred Gottlieb, and Paul H. Wender. "Sleep Electroencephalographic and Eye-movement Patterns in Schizophrenic Patients." comprehensive psychiathy 5 no.1 (1964): 44-53.
Leonide Goldstein et al.. "Electro-Cerebral Activity in Schizophrenics and Non-Psychotic Subjects: Quantitative EEG Amplitude Analysis." electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology 19 (1965): 350-361.
Ana M. Catafau et al.. "Prefrontal and temporal blood flow in schizophrenia: resting and activation technetium-99m-HMPAO SPECT patterns in young neuroleptic-naive patients with acute disease.." journal of nuclear medicine 35 no.6 (1994): 935-941.
John B. Levine et al.. "Obsessive-compulsive disorder among schizophrenic patients: an exploratory study using functional magnetic resonance imaging data." comprehensive psychiatry 39 no.5 (1998): 308-311.
Alxandra M. Muir et al.. "Dimensions of anxiety and depression and neurophysiological indicators of error-monitoring: relationship with delta and theta oscillatory power and error-related negativity amplitude." psychophysiology 57 no.9 (2019): 1-22.
Lei Zhang. EEG Signals Feature Extraction and Artificial Neural Networks Classification for The Diagnosis of Schizophrenia (n.p.: IEEE, 2020). 68-75.
Ulrike Lueken et al.. "Diagnostic classification of specific phobia subtypes using structural MRI data: a machine-learning approach." Journal of neural transmission 122 no.1 (2014): 123-134.
Yan Wei Niu, Qiu Hua Lin and Yue Qiu. Sample Augmentation for Classification of Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Controls Using ICA of fMRI Data and Convolutional Neural Networks (n.p.: IEEE, 2019). 297-302.
Joohong Lee, Dongyoung Sohn, and Yong Suk Choi. A Tool for spatio-temporal analysis of social anxiety with twitter data. 2019.
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