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기호학 분석을 이용한 물질주의와 경쟁주의 이데올로기 (영어에세이)

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7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"기호학 분석을 이용한 물질주의와 경쟁주의 이데올로기 (영어에세이)"에 대한 내용입니다.




Have you ever thought deeply about the implications of the product or ideology it says when you see the advertisement? Most people would not. They will be taking it naturally. Like this, we encounter various advertisements in our daily lives. But we don't think about the ideology that advertising produces. This essay begins with a semiotic analysis of jewelry advertising that emphasizes individual financial power. And it explains the concept of ideology, such as materialism, which can be seen in advertisements. It also deals with competitive socialism, another ideology created by comparative deprivation resulting from materialism. It also includes my critical thoughts about the over-competitive society by using the adolescent suicide rate in South Korea.

참고 자료

Jarvis, Jonathan A., Allison W. Corbett, Jared D. Thorpe, and Mikaela J. Dufur. “Too Much of a Good Thing: Social Capital and Academic Stress in South Korea.” Social Sciences 9, no. 11 (2020): 187. doi:10.3390/socsci9110187.
Jiacheng, Liu. "Need to establish a new adolescent suicide prevention programme in South Korea." General psychiatry (2020). Directory of Open Access Journals
Kasser, Tim. “The high price of materialism.” MIT press, (2002): 17-18. UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE's Catalogue
Kim, Doyeon. “South Korean education and competition.” The Herald Insight. Published July 28, 2017. http://www.heraldinsight.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=461
Skjærvø, Gine Roll, and Røskaft, Eivin. “Wealth and the opportunity for sexual selection in men and women.” Behavioral Ecology 26, (2015): 444-451. Agricola
Smits, Jeroen, and Park, Hyunjoon. “Five Decades of Educational Assortative Mating in 10
East Asian Societies.” Social Forces 88, (2009): 227–55. HeinOnline
Zong, Sooyoun. "A study on adolescent suicide ideation in South Korea." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 (2015): 1949-1956. ScienceDirect
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