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[영미여성문학 A+] - Jane Eyre 제인에어 영문레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


해당자료는 영미여성문학 수업에 과제로 제출됨, A+ 자료

글쓴이 이력:
영미권 국가에서 초/중/고 졸업
영문학과 전공 후 6년째 영어강사 / 프리랜서 활동
영어원서 교정 및 학습지 제작, 출판사 검수 활동


Discussion Topic Question 1 : How is Jane Eyre represented in the movie? Describe who she is and what she experiences as she grows up, and think about what she could symbolize, or what kind of ideals she could represent in the context of the Victorian age.


Jane Eyre is represented as a symbol of a woman in the Victorian age through the diverse episodes in the movie. To explain the background of Jane Eyre, she lives with her cruel aunt Mrs. Reed’s family where there is no kindness or fairness. One day, Jane is imprisoned in the red room for fighting with her bullying cousin John Reed. Jane feels terrified being locked in the red room and eventually faints because she believes that there is Uncle Reed’s ghost. The red room and the ghost foreshadows obstacles that Jane needs to overcome as time goes.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영미여성문학 A+] - Jane Eyre 제인에어 영문레포트
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