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[국제경영] (영어)국내 실업문제 해결방안 컨설팅 레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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"국제경영론 컨설팅 레포트_청년실업 해결방안"에 대한 영문 컨설팅 레포트입니다.


1. Executive summary
2. Current situation of the Korea’s unemployment
3. Jobs lost by FDI from Korean firms
4. Reduction in FDI from foreign firms to Korea
5. Policies to bring back jobs lost from other country
6. Policies to Stimulate investment to Korea from foreigners
7. Reference


Rise in unemployment has been a global concern and one of the economic issue that government have to face. The situation in Korea is not much different as well. Although overall Korea’s unemployment rate has been stable throughout the year, it is the youth unemployment rate that is creating a problem to the Korean government.
There are several causes of high Korea’s youth unemployment rate. One of them is the jobs that is being lost from Korean firm’s FDI(foreign direct investment) and reduction of investment in foreign firms to Korean market. In this report, we are mainly focusing on this cause because the jobs that has been lost to foreign countries is increasing over the years. If 20% of them can be brought back, all the unemployed youth can be able to find the job.
The Korean government have to find the way in order to bring back those jobs being lost. The most common but effective method is through tax reduction.

참고 자료

이한득 ( 10 June, 2017, 산업구조 편중, 변화는 제자리걸음, 주간동아)
이석주 ( 2017.05.03, 해외 유출 일자리 163만개, 국내 유입 일자리의 6배, 국제신문)
박성민 ( 2016.05.06, [취재일기] 거꾸로 가는 한국의 외국기업 투자유치, 중앙일보 )
김진 ( 2016.04.26, "깐깐한 한국 시장 잡아라" 외국기업 속속 진출, ChosunBiz )
편집국 ( 2016.06.13, 해외투자 급증… 신규 일자리 증발, 민+ )
2017.06.03, 외국 기업도 투자 꺼리는 판에 일자리 늘겠나, 드림위즈
Trading economics.com
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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