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NR2A/NR2B 비율과 기억 - Do Mature Brains Run Out of Space for New Incoming Memories?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Summary of the Study
3. Summary of the Article and Critical View on It
4. New Experiment/Hypothesis
5. Conclusion
6. References


Brain has been and is still one of the most unknown things in the world. People make use of it every day, with and without knowing. This important substance, brain, does everything. One could go as far as to say that human brain is in fact, human. One of the jobs that brain does is learning and storing memory. However, unlike computers humans cannot always learn quickly and keep what is learned safely secured. Neuroscientists until now have presumed the trouble old people have with learning new things is due to the weakness of synapse. However the study “Increased NR2A:NR2B ratio compresses long-term depression range and constrains long-term memory” states that weakness of synapse, in fact, is not the factor that makes the learning for old brains hard but it is the capacity of the brain that does. In other words, the study states that the old brains due to the level of NR2A:NR2B ratio is merely too full to be used for newly learned memory.

참고 자료

Can old brains get full? -CBS News. (n.d.). Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. Retrieved June 9, 2013, from http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57565831/can-old-brains-get-full/
Differential roles of NR2A and NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in LTP and LTD in the CA1 region of two-week old rat hippocampus. (n.d.). ScienceDirect.com | Search through over 11 million science, health, medical journal full text articles and books.. Retrieved June 9, 2013, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028390806002176
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NR2A/NR2B 비율과 기억 - Do Mature Brains Run Out of Space for New Incoming Memories?
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