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New Algorithm for Stereoscopic Particle Pairing of 3D PTV

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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1. Introduction
2. Hopfield and Cellular Neural Networks
3. Particle pairing algorithm
4. Result
5. Conclusion
6. References


The 3-D particle tracking velocimetry is basically composed of two successive processes of particle pairing. The first one is the spatial particle pairing, in which the particles viewed by two (or more than two) stereoscopic cameras with a parallax
(different viewing angles) have to be correctly paired at every synchronized time step. This is quite important because the 3-D coordinates of individual particles cannot be computed without being assured of identification of two particle images.

참고 자료

Chua, L.O., Yang, L., 1988, “Cellular Neural Networks: Theory and Applications”, IEEE
Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol.35, No.10, pp.1257-1290
Hopfield, J.J., 1982, “Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective
computational abilities”, Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. USA, Vol.97, pp.2554-2558.
Nishino K., Kagasi N., Hirata M.,1989, “ThreeDimensional particle tracking velocimetry
based on automated digital image processing”, Trans. ASME, J. Fluids Eng. Vol 111, pp.384-391
Ohmi, K., Sapkota, A.,2004, “Improvement in Hopfield Neural Network PTV”, Proc.
International Conference on Advanced Optical Diagnostics in Fluids, Solids and Combustion, Tokyo, Japan, #V0010
Okamoto, K., Nishio, S., Kobayashi, T., Saga, T., 1997, “Standard images for particle
imaging velocimetry”, Proc. PIV-Fukui '97, pp.229-236.
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New Algorithm for Stereoscopic Particle Pairing of 3D PTV
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