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War Leaves Nothing but the Tragedies

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기




My country, South Korea, has had many wars in the past which caused much misfortune to many lives of those who lived through the war periods or even during the post-war period. For the last 1,500 years of Korean history, usually those wars were invasions caused by neighborhood countries. And we are still in ceasefire in between the South and North Korea due to the Korean Civil War that broke out in 1950 which was caused by the World War II and colonization by Japan which ended in 1945. Due to the tragedies of losing lives of loved ones, setting back the economy of the countries involved, and the possibilities of causing another war resulting in non-stop fight, I am strongly against any kinds of war.
During the World War II, many Jews lost their lives by German forces. Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 3% of the 1939 world population which was estimated at 2 billion.

참고 자료

Unknown Writer. “Economic Causes of War.” The Socialist Party of Great Britain. 11 May. 2000. Web. 01 May, 2015.
R.J. Rummel. “Statics of Democide.” Hawaii.edu. 23 Nov. 2002.Web. 01 May, 2015
“Economic Cause of War.” History Page. The Socialist Party of Great Britain, 2005. Web. 01 May,
Graff Stewart. The Story of World War2: Division of Seqouia-Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc, 1978. 04 May, 2015.
Hellmuth Auerbach: Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft. In: Wolfgang Benz (Hg.): e books, Legenden, Lügen, Vorurteile. Ein Wörterbuch zur Zeitgeschichte. Dtv, Neuauflage 1992, Page. 161.Web. 04 May, 2015.
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