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영문 리포트 : 브렉시트와 영국 경제의 향후 전개 the Brexit , Will it lead to more Quantitative Easing?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. The short-term effects triggered by the Brexit – Recession in UK
3. Long term consequences caused by Brexit – Exposure towards uncertainty


the Brexit , Will it lead to more Quantitative Easing?


UK determined to leave the EU by the referendum last June. Because of problems like increasing immigrant, low political power in the EU, regulations, many English insisted that UK have to leave the EU constantly. And now, UK finally determined to leave the EU. In accordance with the EU convention, the country who want to leave the EU will get the adjustment period of 2 years. Due to the Brexit, UK will face a very large economic chaos and the EU as well.

The short-term effects triggered by the Brexit – Recession in UK

The short-term impact by Brexit is British economic issues, including the devaluation of British pound. The EU is able to cushion the negative aftermath caused by Brexit in the short term. Because the EU continuously has pursued the expansionary monetary policy by the ECB for the last two years.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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영문 리포트 :  브렉시트와 영국 경제의 향후 전개 the Brexit , Will it lead to more Quantitative Easing?
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