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On Writing Well (The Transaction ~ Writing About Yourself) 파트별 핵심정리 + 요점정리 (100% 이해도움)

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10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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William Zinsser 의 책 On Writing Well를 완벽히 정리한 최종본입니다.
On Writing Well를 완벽히 이해하시고 싶으시다면 이 문서만 봐도 충분히 이해 가능 합니다.
On Writing Well을 파트별로 자세히 정리한 문서입니다.


1. The Transaction
2. Simplicity
3. Clutter
4. Style
5. The Audience
6. Words
7. Usage
8. Writing About Places – The Travel Article
9. Writing About Yourself – The Memoir


1. The Transaction
A. “a day devoted to the arts”
(a) Dr. Brock – writing as a vocation, Surgeon, writing as an avocation, dressed in a bright red jacket, looking vaguely bohemian
(b) Contrast
(1) It was tremendous fun – writing wasn’t easy and wasn’t fun
(2) Rewrite absolutely not – rewriting is the essence of writing
(3) He said he just stopped writing – the professional writer must establish a daily schedule, writing is a craft, not an art
(4) What if you’re feeling depressed or unhappy? Affect your writing? Probably it will – probably 2it won’t
(5) Dr. Brock said he was he was greatly enjoying his new life as a man of letters – professional writers are solitary drudges who seldom see other writers
(6) I love symbols – it was a revelation to all of us
We gave them a broader glimpse of the writing process. There isn’t any “right” way to do such personal work.

B. All of them are vulnerable and all of them are tense. The problem is to find the real man or woman behind the tension. (글을 쓰는 것은 힘들다. 그래서 글이 딱딱해질 수도 있다.)

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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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On Writing Well (The Transaction ~ Writing About Yourself) 파트별 핵심정리 + 요점정리 (100% 이해도움)
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