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Article Review - English in the real world vs. English at school: Finnish English teachers’ and students’ views

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Article Review - English in the real world vs. English at school: Finnish English teachers’ and students’ views

위의 아티클에 대한 리뷰이다.

이 페이퍼는 sociolinguistics 수업중 Global English and Education 부분이므로 이와 관련된 부분을 추가로 서술하였다.


1. Summary
2. Method
3. Data analysis
4. Students’ response
5. Teachers’ survey
6. Results and findings
7. Connection to course content
8. Critique
9. Implication/Application


In a global setting, awareness about English teaching has been shifting from English as a foreign language to English as a lingua franca (Ranta, 2010:157). She discusses that the new conceptualization of English reflects L2 learners who have their own identities as an English speaker and a new role of English in an international circumstance. According to the article, although Finnish and Swedish are two national languages in Finnish society, English is regarded as a more dominant language than Swedish. In relation to English learning in Finland, Finnish society allows English TV programs in the media for their native people, which makes them to be exposed to English in a natural way (2010:159).

<중 략>

Ranta mentions, “Finnish upper secondary school students are well aware of the lingua franca role of English and understand its importance in their future use of English.” (2010:166). She also describes Finnish students as non-native speakers of English who have confidence with having their own varieties of English use, which is importance standpoint under the ELF circumstance.

참고 자료

Ranta, Elina. 2010. English in the real world vs. English at school: Finnish English teachers’ and students’ views. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. Vol 20. No 2.
Fulcher, Glenn. What is Language Testing? Retrieved from http://languagetesting.info/whatis/lt.html
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Article Review - English in the real world vs. English at school: Finnish English teachers’ and students’ views
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