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전기전자응용실험 디지털 파트 2주차 예비 및 결과레포트 입니다.

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Compare the provided background with the experiment to perform a supplementary research.
AMBA, in system on chip designs, is an on-chip interconnect specification for the connection and management of functional blocks .ARM introduced AMBA. The first AMBA buses were Advanced System Bus (ASB) and Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB).

Components of APB
: The APB bridge is the only bus master on the AMBA APB. The APB bridge is also a slave on the higher-level system bus. Below is interface of APB bridge

<중 략>

- Structure of APB
In this experiment we use APB since mimimum power consumtion and to connect with low speed peripheral devices. The AMBA APB should be used to interface to any peripherals which are low bandwidth and do not require the high performance of a pipelined bus interface. APB supports the register-mapped slave devices.
If there is no input it keeps its state at IDLE. When PSELx value is transferred, it changes its state to SETUP and wait to operate. And finally when the data for PENABLE is transferred, it conducts its operation

압축파일 내 파일목록

2주차 결과.hwp
챕터 2 c언어.txt

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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