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자체발광형 유기물질 (OLED) 영어레포트

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자체발광형 유기물질 (OLED) 영어레포트 입니다.


1. Purpose of the experiment
2. Principle
3. Procedure
4. Data
5. Analysis
6. Conclusion


1. Purpose of the experiment
In OLED structure, there are ITO, HIL, HTL, EML, ETL, EIL and metal(Al). They have their own role. To compare effect of PEDOT:PSS and LiF to efficiency for device, we made three samples.

2. Principle
OLED is abbreviation of Organic Light Emitting Diode. OLED has film of organic compound which emits light in response to an electric current as the emissive electroluminescent layer. It is consist of a cathode, an electron transport layer, an emission layer, a hole transport layer and an anode.

B. Exciton
In OLED, there are cathode and anode. The cathode makes excited electron which is same with the LUMO and the anode makes holes which is same with the HOMO. An exciton is a bound state of an electron and hole which are attracted to each other by the electrostatic Coulomb force. Because of the exciton, recombination of the electron and the hole emits energy which amount is same with their energy difference. That energy difference(band gap) determine color of emitted light.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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