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DVST 0455 Multiculturalism Comparison Essay APA

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 10,000원 할인쿠폰받기




Canada is the first country to made multiculturalism an official policy. A great number of immigrants and diversity have become an integral part of Canada. Although Canada is known for its diversity, immigrants have a hard time adjusting to Canada because they do not find jobs that fit their skills, there is racism in the labour market, and immigrants do not identify as Canadians.
Immigrants who come to Canada bring a significant degree of skill and education. Many immigrants are university graduates. Also, they are less likely to exploit welfare or commit crime than native-born Canadians. Szucs from the Vancouver Sun says “Canada’s continued economic growth and competitiveness is dependent on the skills and expertise brought by immigrants” (2007). Although all immigrants are miles away from their home countries, they keep their cultural habits. Also, the ethnic groups are funded by the government to keep their culture.

참고 자료

Bramham, D. (2006). Vancouver is at the forefront of cities where cultures blend. (2006, June 17). The Vancouver Sun, p L5.
Cayo, D. (2007, October 12). Jobs analysis shows resiliency of immigrants. The Vancouver Sun, p A10.
Fontaine, P. (2007, June 22). We have to expose the dirty little secret. The Globe and Mail, p A13.
How immigrants fit in [Editorial]. (2005, November 14). The Globe and Mail, p A12.
Jaimet, K. (2005). Multiculturalism questioned. (2005, September 23). The Vancouver Sun, p A8.
Jimenez, M. (2005). A Star immigrant gives up on Canada. (2005, April 19). The Globe and Mail, p A5.
Jimenez, M. (2007, February 8). Common values key to equality, book says. The Globe and Mail, p A9.
Mihlar, F. (2005). Only a minority has a stake in hyphenated Canadians. (2005, October 3). The Vancouver Sun, p A11c.
Orwin, C. (2007, October 23). Shallow diversity our national muddle. The Globe and Mail, p A19.
Reinhart, A. Rusk, J. (2006). Immigrants can suffer in silence within walls of suburbs. (2006, March 11). The Globe and Mail, p A7.
Rekai, P. (2006, November 6). In search of perfect immigrants. The Globe and Mail, p A13.
Scott, M. (2007, March 2). Feeling Canadian can take time for immigrants: poll. The Vancouver Sun, p A3.
Sensoy, O. (2006). Asian heritage month not just for Asians. (2006, May 17). The Vancouver Sun, p A17.
Shaw, G. (2006). Our new employment ghetto. (2006, February 24). The Vancouver Sun, p B1.
Szucs, E. (2007, September 27). Canada needs immigrants and an inclusive society. The Vancouver Sun, p A17.
Ward, D. (2007, April 27). By 2031, half of the region’s residents will be immigrants. The Vancouver Sun, p A3.
Wente, M. (2005). Canada’s better idea for race relations. (2005, November 12). The Globe and Mail, p A21.
Wente, M. (2007, August 11). Bumbling along in search of the new ‘we’. The Globe and Mail, p A15.
Wente, M. (2007, October 11). Immigration and identity: a taste of things to come. The Globe and Mail, p A15.
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