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Comparative studies of public administration(Russia)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Historical Background of Russia
Ⅲ. About Russia
Ⅳ. Analysis of Russia
Ⅴ. Comparison between Russia and Korea p.18
Ⅵ. Conclusion
※ References


Ⅰ. Introduction
Russia Federation which is appeared after dissolution of Soviet Union is faced with a social systematical reform. Through the appearance of three different presidents during the Soviet Union, Russia experiences tremendous changes and now has a step of preparation to go out to international society. In this process, what we have to focus on is that various policies of Russia are closely related with Korea. These could be connection of Siberia crossing train, natural gas importing, science technology and military cooperation, and relationship about North Korea etc.
Understanding of Russia's politic
al administrative system could be beneficial for us by bringing appropriate policy preparation, importing good institutional system, and even ensuring universality and scientific validity.

<중 략>

2. The difference between Russian system and Korean system
Many scholars defined Russia's government form as a presidential system but some defined it as a presidential-parliamentary system. This difference is caused by that Russia's government is compromise form of government that has presidential and presidential-parliamentary system. But, in spite of the constitutional characteristic, Russia's government form is defined as a powerful presidential system until now. Especially, parliament has surrendered to President's will in most of event concerning appointment and dismissal of Prime Minister. Comparison between this Russia's government and Korean is as follow.

참고 자료

기현석, 러시아의 정부형태의 분류에 관한 일고찰, 2008.
김연규 , 프랑스, 러시아, 폴란드의 이원집정부제 비교, 2004.
김진만 , 현재 러시아 관료제의 부정적 특징에 대한 소고, 2001.
김병학 , 한국과 러시아의 행정개혁에 관한 비교연구, 2007.
안상욱 , 한러 정치,행정개혁의 비교, 2008.
김광웅·강성남 ,『비교행정론』2004
문명식 ,『러시아 역사』2009
Ferrel Heady , Public Administration, MarcelDekker 2003
임도빈 외 2명 ,『러시아의 행정개혁 : 제도화, 탈제도화와 재제도화의 관점에서』2010
김진만 , 현대러시아 관료제의 부정적 특징에 대한 소고, 2001
양정훈 , 러시아 관료체제 연구, 2004
판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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Comparative studies of  public administration(Russia)
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