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Comparison between the North-South Korea Relation and the Cross-Strait Relation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction

2-1. Changes in North & South Korea's Policies
2-2. Changes in China & Taiwan Policies
2-3. Comparison

3. Conclusion

4. References


1. Introduction

North Korea and South Korea historically maintained relation of transaction and confrontation. Owing to collapse of Cold War tension between two Koreas got better than before and confrontation between them drastically decreased due to the 2000 summit and following sunshine policy. However, after 2009 hawkish government got authority in South Korea, relationship between them started to freeze until now.
Meanwhile, ever since the declaration of People's Republic of China foundation and the defeated Kuomintang headed their way toward Taiwan, there have been a prolonged conflict between them. However, this air of distrust and hate seems to be changing these days as they started building up the mood of reconciliation and widening their cooperation in diverse areas.

<중 략>

In this chart, the trade volume between China and Taiwan in 1995 was 25 billion dollars. In 2012, it jumped up to 124 billion dollars. Compare to this massive trade volume between China and Taiwan, the trade volume between North and South looks shabby as it shows only 1.7 billion dollars in 2011.
There were 7 million people to people exchange between China and Taiwan in 2011. There has been almost none between North and South Korea after the cease of Kum Kang San tourism. Most of the exchange between North and South was made in the government-led political level such as 2000 and 2007 summit meeting and consecutive political, military conferences.

참고 자료

cross-straits relation, Naver search http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?cid=504&docId=1687589&mobile&categoryId=504
Juche idea, Wikipediahttp://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%A3%BC%EC%B2%B4%EC%82%AC%EC%83%81
A Changing Korea in Regional and Global Contexts, Lee-jay ChoㆍChung-si AhnㆍChoong-nam Kim, 2004
2012 Presidential Election in Taiwan and the Policy Direction of Ma Ying-jeou's New Government, Heung-ho Moon, 2012
Improved Cross-Strait Relations under the Ma Ying-jeou Administration and its Intrinsic factor, Yei-kyoung KimㆍMin-ji Kim, 2010
Taiwan's National Identity and China-Taiwan Relations, Won-bong Leeㆍ Kyoo-seob Lim, 2009
"Taiwanese independence more popular, survey says", Taipei Times, Aug 11, 2012http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/08/11/2003540007
"Taiwan is not being 'Finlandized'", The China Post, Jan 16, 2010 http://www.chinapost.com.tw/editorial/taiwan-issues/2010/01/16/240977/p2/Taiwan-is.htm
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