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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. OVERVIEW - Cytokine
2. INTERLEUKIN-2 - Overview of IL
3. INTERLEUKIN-2 - Structure of IL-2
4. The IL-2/IL-2 receptor - Overview of IL-2 receptor
5. The mechanism of IL-2 activation
6. The function of IL-2 - Overview of interleukin-2 function
7. Regulatory sites and corresponding transcription factors
8. Cells and tissues that express the gene
9. Adoptive Immunotherapy by IL-2
10. References


* Overview of IL-2
- In Adoptive Immunotherapy IL-2 is administered
High-dose bolus recombinant IL-2 (600,000 to 720,000 IU/kg IV)
- Acts as a potent immunomodulator and antitumor element
- Positive results have led approval of high dose IL-2 for patients with metastatic melanoma and Renal cell carcinoma.
- Extensive multiorgan toxicity may occur

<중 략>

* Overview of IL-2 receptor

- Interleukin (IL)-2 is a small (15-kDa) -helical cytokine produced primarily by recently activated T cells, which induce its biological response after binding to a high-affinity receptor.

- The IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) is comprised of three subunits, an α-chain that functions only for IL-2 binding, and the and subunits, which function to augment ligand binding and induce cellular signaling.

참고 자료

S.L. Gaffen, K.D. Liu / Cytokine 28 (2004) 109e123
Immunity 33, August 27, 2010
Brain Research Reviews 21 (1996) 246-284
Immunological Reviews 241/2011
Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews 13 (2002) 27-40
Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 74, December 2003
Immunity 32, January 29, 2010
Cell Cycle 7:4, 458-462; 15 February 2008
Immunology and Cell Biology (2011) 89, 27-32
J Immunol 2004;172;3983-3988
Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 363-371
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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