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The Napoleonic wars, arts, architecture,

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The Napoleonic Wars 1797~1815
Restoring order after the French Revolution, Napoleon attempted to change the whole of Europe. But Britain stood against him and Napoleon was finally exiled.

Who is Napoleon?
Napoleon was born in Corsica, the second son of an Italian lawyer.
As a young man, he had joined the French army, and his courage and quick thinking led to rapid promotion. At the age of 26, he became a general.

<중 략>

In Europe, the composers Handel, Beethoven, Haydn and Schubert wrote brilliant orchestral works.
Constable, Ingres and Goya and other painters were the famous artists of the day.
Novelists, essayists, journalists and publishers introduced new styles in writing.
In the theatre, ballet developed and operas attracted keen, discriminating audiences who demanded realistic plots and characters.

Architecture 1708-1835
In Europe and North America, architecture innovations tended to imitate earlier styles like Greece and Rome or to adopt exotic styles. Europe architectures were influenced by two main factors. Growing estates in country and house made people think that grand architecture with large windows is the fashion.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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